
Showing posts from June, 2020

Therapeutic Young Adult Sports Fiction

Our member Rocío Riestra Camacho (University of Oviedo, Spain) shares educative material and insight. Her talk "Therapeutic Young Adult Sports Fiction" offers clues to understand the use of Literature in English (more precisely, Young Adult Fiction) in a class, explains the practical benefits for the reader (education on mental health) and guides us in how to carry out practices of research in such a topic. This video can be used as theoretical background for lecturers at college, lecturers at High School, Counsellors, Sports Coaching and to create Awareness on Food Disorders. It also implements the role of individuals to make a change in their individual and community lives. Fear is dismantled because it proposes strategies to stand up, read, comment and research on tokenistic and gendered interpretations of food disorders. R. Riestra Camacho | Therapeutic Young Adult Sports Fiction   Rocío Riestra Camacho is a PhD candidate in Gender Studies at the Department of En...

What Is Fear?

You can watch this video to contextualise theoretically fear. It sets up the tone for the project and future possible practices of Service-Learning. This "pill" works as a short introduction to Fear and its affective effects. This video can be used as theoretical background for lecturers at college, lecturers at High School, Counsellors, NGO, Social activists, trade unions and the general public. The video was created as part of the module "Globalización y Diáspora" (Globalisation and Diaspora), part of the Degree in English Studies at University of Salamanca. It was shot during the first week of the 2020 lockdown (March 2020) that was implemented by the Goverment of Spain to counteract and restrict the outbreak of Covid-19. J. Diego Sánchez | What is Fear? Jorge Diego Sánchez is the leader of the Proyecto de Innovación Docente ID2019/096 HACIA UNA PRÁCTICA DE APRENDIZAJE-SERVICIO A TRAVÉS DE LA LITERATURA Y EL CINE EN EL GRADO DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES: HER...


This is an outcome associated to Proyecto de Innovación Docente ID2019/096 HACIA UNA PRÁCTICA DE APRENDIZAJE-SERVICIO A TRAVÉS DE LA LITERATURA Y EL CINE EN EL GRADO DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES: HERRAMIENTAS PEDAGÓGICAS Y EDUCATIVAS PARA DESMANTELAR DISCURSOS COLECTIVOS DE MIEDO (TOWARDS A PRACTICE OF SERVICE-LEARNING THROUGH LITERATURE AND CINEMA IN THE DEGREE OF ENGLISH STUDIES TO DISMANTLE COLLECTIVE DISCOURSES OF FEAR) granted by Vicerrectorado de Docencia of Universidad de Salamanca. It started as a way to carry out the activities planned for the completion of the project in the outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020. It has now opened an opportunity for collaborative ventures that will foster Service-Learning activities and interaction in the future. We hope this blog can be later improved and becomes a virtual library for knowledge-pills, collaborative feedback and future practices of Service-Learning. This is our contribution to dismantle the entrenched ways in which fear is interwov...