
Showing posts from May, 2022

Film and Literary Recommendations (2022/2023): Art and Activism

Andrea Llano Busta (University of Oviedo) has compiled the recommendations of project members into a corpus of visual and written texts on activist artists. Such a diverse list of films, books, TV series and music videos may prove useful to both students and teachers in secondary and tertiary education who may likewise benefit from the corpora created in previous years on constructing (2020) and dispelling fear (2021), also available in this blog. The corpus was created on a set of questions and guidelines proposed by Jorge Diego Sánchez (University of Salamanca, Spain)

Online Health Rumors

Ana de las Heras (Spanish Foundation of Rheumatology) is a journalist and biologist who, in the following video, provides a timely reflection on online misinformation about health issues. Apart from presenting reliable data, she addresses the intersection of rumors, trust and the internet to offer helpful advice on how to avoid unverified sources. After all, when so many people are gullible to fake news which may spread uncontrollably, we are all responsible for the information we access and circulate, especially if related to delicate matters.     A. de las Heras | Online Health Rumors

Biblioterapia: qué es y cómo podemos aplicarla en la anorexia

Esta sesión pretende acercar al alumnado a la realidad de la terapia con literatura o "biblioterapia" y ejemplificar mediante casos concretos cómo podemos aplicar esta disciplina a la clínica de la anorexia, haciéndolo de manera interactiva. Está impartida por Rocío Riestra Camacho, doctora en Estudios de Género por la Universidad de Oviedo con una tesis titulada "US Young Adult Sports Fiction in a Bibliotherapy Experiment on Anorexia". Actualmente es profesora de inglés en la Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, trabajo que combina estudiando el Grado en Psicología por la UNED.   R. Riestra Camacho | Biblioterapia